Core Values
Christ’s Headship:
We acknowledge Christ as the head of our church and submit ourselves and all our activities to His will and good pleasure.
Biblical Teaching:
We strive to teach God’s Word with integrity and authority so that unbelievers will find Christ and believers will mature in Him.
We rely on private and corporate prayer in the conception, planning and execution of all the ministries and activities of this church.
We encourage our people to serve Christ from hearts of love and gratitude rather than guilt and condemnation.
Sense of Community:
We encourage difference without indifference, a church where people of different ages, race, nationality, gender and status have an inspiring love, commitment and respect for each other.
Mobilized Congregation:
We seek to equip all our people to effectively accomplish the work of our ministry.
Lost People:
We value lost people and will use every available Christ-honoring means to pursue, win and disciple them.
Creativity and Innovation:
We will constantly evaluate our forms and methods, seeking cultural relevance and maximum ministry effectiveness for Christ.
Ministry Excellence:
Since God gave His best (His son Jesus), we seek to honor Him by maintaining a high standard of excellence in all our ministries and activities.